We love Paris
I love Paris in the springtime
I love Paris in the fall
I love Paris in the summer when it sizzles
I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles
- Cole Porter
Jim, John, Peggy, Shelly, and frequent guest, Beth Shannon, all agree (for once) with Cole Porter. They share their experiences of that city, which vary from Shelly’s first visit just before the pandemic began to John’s time living there for several years.
As a respite from an impending winter that offers tantalizing hope amid bleak news, these tales of Paris represent in part a yearning for lost innocence. Beth recalls her visit to Paris with her sister twenty-three years ago. Jim remembers the food, Peg wistfully praises the champagne, Shelly enthuses about the architecture, and John thinks of Ernest Hemmingway. These are just some of the impressions and associations that are shared during this episode. The podcasters also share memories of visiting the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower and dispel the myth of Parisian rudeness. Beth and John talk about their efforts not to look and act like tourists. Peggy recounts the rich pastries she ate, the mysterious condom drawers she looked into, and trying to decipher menus written only in French. Shelly regales us with a tale of Parisian pickpockets. And we all react excitedly to Peggy’s idea of meeting in Paris next Thanksgiving! Best wishes to Gayle & Chad!
Jim recommends watching the film Casablanca.
John recommends reading Baudelaire’s A Une Passante.
Shelly recommends a novel, Code Name: Helene & LED Christmas Lights.
Peggy recommends buying a collapsible garden hose.